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Zivko Mijatovic & Partners


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Trademark Triumph: Landmark Profit Surrender Ruling In Serbia

Serbia’s 2020 Trademark Law introduced a novel provision to local law: the trademark holders have been explicitly empowered to claim profit surrender in cases where the infringement was not intentional or grossly negligent. Specifically, the […]
July 24, 2024

How Are Political Parties (Ab)Using Intellectual Property?

In the realm of modern politics, where every move is meticulously calculated and every tactic scrutinized, the strategic employment of intellectual property (IP) has emerged as a potent tool for political parties. From catchy slogans […]
April 24, 2024

Does ‘Happily Ever After’ Really Exist In Copyright?

Childhood memories of the world’s most famous fairy tales are filled with fantastic and magical characters of dragons, elves, witches, fairies, and others. Through generations, fairy tales were told and retold, until finally these classic […]
November 30, 2023

New Slovenian IP Act (ZIL-1F) – What’s New?

On June 28, 2023, the National Assembly of Slovenia adopted an amendment to the Industrial Property Act – ZIL-1F, which enters into force on July 27, 2023. In the area of trademarks, parties will achieve […]
July 13, 2023

Key Trademark Facts In Montenegro

Registering a trademark in Montenegro is a crucial step for any business or individual seeking to protect their brand and prevent unauthorized use by others. Several amendments of the Montenegrin Trademark Law enacted as from […]
May 29, 2023