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Zivko Mijatovic & Partners

Training On Counterfeit Goods For The Customs And The Market Inspectorate Organized And Hosted By ZMP Serbia

April 19, 2023

Recently we had a pleasure to organize and host a first ever ZMP exclusive training for the Customs and Market Inspection officials held in Belgrade, Serbia.

This event marks a first in line of many future annual events of this kind, dedicated to solely representing ZMP clients.

With a training organized in two sessions – first session allocated for presentations of individual brands and their products, and a second session to interactive stand by stand review of counterfeit and original products, the event was a smashing success!

At the end of the day, Customs and Market officials left not only with newly acquired knowledge and lasting positive impressions, but also with handy printed manuals that will aid them in the field.

This text is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as legal advice. Should you require any additional information, feel free to contact us.


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