Our Senior Associate Vladimir Marenovic attended the ECTA 40th Annual Conference “Designing the Future” in Copenhagen.
This year’s conference brought together professionals in the field of designs, trademarks, and related IP matters to discuss hot topics and developments of IP trends – NFTs, metaverse, IP strategy for start-ups, and much more.
We wish to congratulate ECTA for hosting such an exceptional event.
About ECTA (European Communities Trademark Association):
With more than 1500 members, coming from all Member States of the EU and beyond, ECTA promotes the knowledge and professionalism of the intellectual property law community in the fields of trade marks, designs, copyright and other intellectual property rights, within the European Union.
ECTA provides an ideal forum for knowledge exchange and sharing, and is an accredited professional association in many countries for IP attorneys. The association brings together lawyers, from private practices or the industry, judges, academics and various other IP-related professionals, who wish to maintain and expand their knowledge in the fields of intellectual property.
Also, ECTA is following and actively contributing to many ongoing legislative and implementation processes, including the EU copyright law reform, the reform of the design law, evaluation of domain names practices and much more.
This text is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as legal advice. Should you require any additional information, feel free to contact us.