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Zivko Mijatovic & Partners

Milica Mancic

Counsel / Attorney at Law

Milica is a Counsel / Attorney at Law at ZMP.

After graduating from University of Belgrade, Milica started her professional career in ZMP Belgrade office in 2013. In the next few years she completed her master studies in University of Belgrade in Intellectually Property law and passed professional exam for Trademark and Patent Attorney before IPO of Serbia. In 2019 she passed Bar exam and become member of Bar Association of Serbia (Belgrade).

Milica’s practice focuses on protection and enforcement of trademarks and other IP rights in the region throughout the Western Balkans region. She has participated in many legal actions against counterfeits, counterfeit goods and other intellectual property infringements, both before courts and through the use of administrative actions. She also provides Clients consultation about filing Customs and Market Inspection Application by explaining the benefits of these tools and helping them to choose most suitable IP rights for these Applications.

Her main activities related to trademark protection are related to communication with Customs Office and Market Inspectorate regarding organization of border and market protection of IP rights which includes:

  • conducting investigation of online trademark infringements (searches of the most visited Internet platforms and social networks), as well as market sweeps;
  • filing requests before Market Inspectorate for organizing  investigations on filed and raids;
  • trainings for customs officers and market inspectors.

Since she has participated in protection of many of the world’s well-known and valuable trademarks, it enabled her to develop sense of the needs for each particular Client and suggest them the best option for protection of their IP rights. The scope of options is very wide and it is crucial for providing best IP protection strategy to have good overview on situation of Client’s IP rights in requested territory.