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Zivko Mijatovic & Partners

Nevena Gujanicic

Senior Paralegal

Nevena is a Senior Paralegal at ZMP.

Before joining Zivko Mijatovic & Partners (ZMP) Serbia in 2020, Nevena spent over 4 years at another prominent Serbian IP firm.

At ZMP, Nevena manages annuity payments across Serbia and all global offices. She engages daily with clients and local teams, handling various patent annuity matters. Her responsibilities encompass monitoring deadlines, issuing reminders, processing payments, addressing client inquiries, coordinating payments through local offices, and supplying essential support and documentation. Nevena also performs data verification, provides cost estimates, and assists team members as needed.

Additionally, Nevena also conducts data import in accordance with clients’ database systems. Her operational tasks also includes due-date management, research and workflow creation.